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Sweet Maria's Altiplano Blend

Altiplano is extremely versatile in both roast level and brew applications. Lighter roasts show convincing levels of brightness and sweetness, with faint fruit and cocoa top notes. FC and beyond boosts body, sweetness, and chocolate roast complexity. City+ to Full City+. Great for espresso
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We're rebooting another round of the ever popular Altiplano blend. This particular lot is balanced and bittersweet, with such a creamy mouthfeel as espresso. There's a hint of fruit to be found too, though far from a fruity blend. While intended for espresso, I think full immersion brewing will do well to highlight body, not to mention the syrup, bittersweet cup profile. Middle roasts are chocolatey through and through, the dry fragrance marked by smells of cocoa powder and a hint of dried date, the wet aroma more of a dark chocolate and molasses smell that's incredibly potent. As espresso, Full City shots have this dark, syrupy aspect underneath that comes off like a dark chocolate sundae topping, a flavor that really hangs around in the aftertaste. It also has a tangy aspect that fits in like shaved lemon peel on the rim of your demitasse (so '90's!). What I think you'll mostly find here are shots gushing with syrupy, thick chocolate bittersweetness, and flavor notes of high % cacao-chocolate bars, rich chocolate truffles, and dark chocolate syrup. I'm particularly fond of shorter espresso shots myself, my favorite results using an 18 gram basket, yielding around 20-25 grams of espresso over the course of roughly 25 seconds. The shots have such a creamy mouthfeel, allowing the rich chocolatey flavors to linger on your tongue. The flavors are incredibly intense, as if shouting all at once, finding space and identity in the middle and finish. The aftertaste is just so long and contemplative, and flavor notes hint at raisin, praline almond, 'cocoa crispies', Baker's chocolate, and so much more.

  • Process Method Wet Process (Washed)
  • Cultivar Caturra Types, Bourbon Types, Typica Types, Modern Hybrids
  • Farm Gate Yes

The coffees of Central America are go-to ingredients for us when we want to bring body and sweetness to an espresso blend. So it stands to reason that blending all Central American coffees would only enhance those aspects even more, right? After tasting this trio all blended together, the answer is a resounding "yes". "Altiplano" is the word we are using for high plains, not to be confused with THE Altiplano in South America. From the Cordillera Central in Costa Rica, to the Los Cuchumatanes in Guatemala, to the Los Arados mountains in Nicaragua, we bring in a wide variety of coffees with unique cup profile, and that all work extremely well as espresso. Blended together, the resulting cup or espresso has balance, and with an acidity that is controlled by roast development. This blend was built with espresso in mind, and includes all wet-process coffees that offer balanced flavors, body, and at least one has moderate acidity too. Roasting to City+ will have the highest tones in the cup, though we prefer at least Full City in our espresso machine. Full City/Full City+ will produce a more "classic" espresso profile with chocolate roast pungency, deep sweetness, and a fruited acidity that to me has an orange zest-like quality (though the cup is far from "fruity"). Altiplano is seasonal blend, and we'll be rotating new coffees in as they become available, updating the review when necessary.

Region Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua
Processing Wet Process (Washed)
Drying Method Raised Bed Sun-dried
Arrival date All current-new crop
Packaging GrainPro liner
Farm Gate Yes
Cultivar Detail Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Typica
Grade SHB
Appearance .4 d/300gr, 15-17 screen
Roast Recommendations Full City - Full City+ for deep chocolate roast flavors, and a subtle fruit hint
Type Sweet Maria's Blends
Recommended for Espresso Yes