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Sweet Maria's New Classic Espresso

A classic, balanced espresso, but without the baggage of the old world espresso conventions ...and without robusta! The espresso has balanced bittersweet notes, thick and opaque body, almond and chocolate roast flavors, hints of peach tea, spice, jasmine.
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Full Cupping Notes

While this blend is designed primarily for a Full City roast, stopping the roast before 2nd crack, it also works well with a darker roast treatment. It does not have the extreme brightness that have been the trademark of some of our Espresso Workshop blends; it is a bit more restrained in it's overall demeanor. The cup has a balance between sweet and bittersweet flavors, moderate bright accent, soft traces of fruit, body and depth. The Full City roasts have a very sweet aromatic side, lightly fruited with plum and a hint of spice (cinnamon, cardamom). Darker roasts tend toward chocolate laced with dark fruit tones, in both aroma and cup flavor. Both have a firm, opaque body, which only helps strengthen the creamy dark chocolate flavors, along with toasted almond roast notes as the espresso cools. In the aftertaste, dark fruits accent a very sweet finish for espresso. There are whole spice hints, like anise, too, which with the fruited accent made me think of fruit-flavored licorice. Of course, results vary with how the espresso machine and grinder are set up. We use 8.5 bars of pressure at the head, with 202-205 degrees water temperature (measured at the head) to start, dropping to about 198. At higher temperatures, it's a more aggressive espresso with a bittersweet edge and well-suited to milk drinks.

  • Process Method Various Process Methods
  • Cultivar Varies
  • Farm Gate No

Once there was "Classic Italian," our espresso blend to set the benchmark for traditional European-style espresso. It was a blend based on quality Brazil coffees, with a touch of aromatic Central American coffee to add a grace note to the cup, and it had a small percentage of premium robusta in it for crema, mouthfeel, and to add traditional flavors found on the continent. But times change and tastes change. Espresso culture is much less Euro-centric, and for good reason. While Italy gave us espresso, the general quality of your average espresso there can be quite poor. Don't even talk about coffee in France. The big brands in Europe are largely run by multi-nationals who keep a close watch on price, and gleefully buy lower quality green coffee if they can save .01 Euro. The privates follow suit, in order to compete. Of course, there are many exceptions, but the darker roast styles, well into 2nd crack, to cover up the use of low quality green coffee ... well, that is NOT something to emulate. For Sweet Maria's, espresso has never been our "dumping ground" for coffees we can't sell, old lots, or ones with mild defect. It's been a program where we have dedicated time, focus in cupping, and roast testing. With this in mind, we want to start over again, and offer New Classic, a somewhat silly name, an oxymoron, and overused ... but it says what I want it to say: Here is the new benchmark espresso with sweet-bittersweet balance, body, crema, and finesse, the core definition of the espresso beverage, and defines it in the established West Coast espresso style (clean, bright notes) without the burden of European espresso conventions. In other words, no robusta! Oh, and No obsessive interest in crema! (You can produce buckets of crema in espresso and still have a very mediocre-tasting cup. What ... do you make espresso just to look at the beautiful crema? No dummy, you make it to drink it!). New Classic generally involves Brazil as one of the base ingredients, with washed Centrals and South American coffees bolstering sweetness, and of course, chocolate roast tone. Blend ingredients will change with what's in season, but we always shoot for flavor continuity.

*Due to the labor involved in mixing these custom blends, we are only offering New Classic Espresso in 50 lb. bags. We have plans in the works to provide pre-made, 100 lb. bags in the near future.

Processing Varies
Cultivar Detail Varies
Grade Top Grade
Appearance .6 d/300gr, 15-18 Screen
Roast Recommendations We recommend a range of roasts from FC, FC+ to light Vienna. That means just ending the roast just before 2nd crack (FC), a few snaps into 2nd crack (FC+), or as second crack begins to gain some momentum (Vienna)
Type Farm Gate, Sweet Maria's Blends
Recommended for Espresso Yes