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Papua New Guinea Dry Process Baroida

Winey fruit flavors and moderate acidity, with a pulpy side that held up to dark roasting. Plump notes of muscat grape, fermented raspberry shrub, and a musky-sweet note of brown rice syrup. Heavy mouthfeel too. City to Full City+.

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This dry process lot from showed wine-like fruit flavors and acidity in our cup testing, with a pulpy fruit side that held up to dark roasting too. The fragrance had a very nice blackberry scent, with notes of molasses, and date sugars. Pouring the hot water brought out a swirl of rustic sugars in the steam, along with a bittersweet foil of cocoa, and dried fruits like prune, and date. The brew has plump fruit flavors in the cup, winey sweetness like some of the anaerobic coffees we buy, and with juicy acidity too. There was a base flavor of musky-sweet sugars in the cup at City roast level, such as brown rice syrup. Fruit notes came through when the cup was hot, and as it cooled took on characteristics of muscat grape, and a hint of fermented raspberry shrub. The acidity level was moderate, with apple juice-like mouthfeel. My darkest roast that hit 2nd Crack in the cooling tray still carried a surprisingly juicy side. Dark fruits offered a delicious counterpoint to the dense bittersweet low tones, and heavy mouthfeel.

  • Process Method Dry Process (Natural)
  • Cultivar Bourbon Types, Typica Types
  • Farm Gate Yes

The Baroida Plantation, located in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea, was founded by Ben Colbran in the 1960s. Ben first purchased the land from a man named Taro and they were amongst the first people to cultivate crops in these valleys. In 1965, the government encouraged the early settlers to start growing coffee as a long-term sustainable crop. Ben started to plant coffee trees becoming one of the first coffee producers of the Eastern Highlands The Colbran Family is now in its third generation with Ben's son Nichol and grandson Chris running Baroida plantation. Through either luck or good design, the Baroida plantation sits at the apex of the Lamari river valley and Mount Jabarra range. The plantation itself is at about 1700 meters amongst thousands of hectares of cleared land with former colonial coffee estates surrounding them (now run by native landowners) and flanked by mountains (up to 2300 meters) filled with small holder coffee producers. This is a dry process lot (also referred to as, "natural"), where the whole coffee cherry is laid to dry on raised beds until the green seed within reaches a moisture level of around 11%. That tends to take around 30 days. In that time, the cherries ferment, and often impart fruit flavors in the cup. This coffee was fruited in both light and dark roasts, even winey. It also produced a fair amount of chaff when roasting which is something to keep in mind if roasting on a machine with exposed heating elements like the Behmor, or running back to back batches.

Region Baroida, Aiyura, Kianantu District
Processing Dry Process (Natural)
Drying Method Raised Bed Sun-Dried
Arrival date March 2024 Arrival
Lot size 30
Bag size 60 KG
Packaging GrainPro Liner
Farm Gate Yes
Cultivar Detail Arusha, Bourbon, Mundu Novo, Typica
Grade A/X
Appearance .4 d/300gr, 16-18 Screen
Roast Recommendations City to Full City+
Type Farm Gate