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Peru San Francisco Yapaz SWP Decaf

City+ to Full City roasts are where I dialed in my favorite flavor profiles, bittersweet and bright background notes, dark sugars, accents of black tea, chocolate malted grains, and anise. City+ to Full City+. Good for espresso.

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Full Cupping Notes

A pleasantly mild sweetness in released when grinding the coffee, with very nice roast intensity. The smells touch on chocolate milk powder and malted grains, with a torched sugar/pungent note.  The wet aroma comes off bittersweet, with notes of chocolate marbled bread, and hint of rye. City+ to Full City roasts are where I dialed in my favorite flavor profiles, showcasing a balance of bittersweet flavors and bright background notes. I was pretty surprised by the acidity level, actually, and it really held up the mouth cleansing aspects of high grown Peruvian coffee. Dark sugar flavors give this coffee a nice supportive sweetness beneath some of the top note accents, like black tea, and chocolate malted beer grains. The finish is marked by hints of anise, and pumpernickel, which are a reminder this is decaf, albeit one that easily passes as non-decaf with the right roast.

  • Process Method Swiss Water Decaf
  • Cultivar Bourbon Types, Typica Types, Modern Hybrids
  • Farm Gate Yes

This lot of decaf is made up of coffees from three different producers who belong to the Cooperativa Valle Uburiki, a coffee farmer's association that operates in Pichanaki. San Francisco Yapaz is the name of the town where these farmers are from, which is within the Chanchamayo Province. These three farms span an altitude range of 1300 to 1500 meters above sea level, and are planted in a mix of cultivars, including Marsallesa, Typica, Bourbon, and Castillo. The coop is nearing its 20th year, and boasts a membership of 550 small holders in the region. They are buying directly from the producers and offer different services for the members like business loans, drying patios and other processing improvements, coffee storage bags, organic fertilizers, and so on. The small premium they receive for their Fair Trade certification helps to fund those endeavors. They also have a technical support staff who provide agronomical assistance, and in the past few years jump started an organic farming initiative that they are rolling out to their coop members. The majority of our decaf coffees are processed by Swiss Water in Vancouver, BC. Not only do they offer 100% chemical free decaffeination process, but we are able to choose coffees from our own stocks that we love, so we know we will get delicious decafs in return. Read more about the Swiss Water method, HERE.

Region San Francisco Yapaz, Chanchamayo
Processing Wet Process, then SWP Decaf
Drying Method Patio Sun-Dried
Arrival date October 2023 Arrival
Lot size 69
Bag size 60 KG
Packaging GrainPro Liner
Farm Gate Yes
Cultivar Detail Typica, Costa Rica 95, Catimor
Grade SHB
Appearance .6 d/300gr, 15-17 Screen - some broken, chipped beans from decaffeination
Roast Recommendations City+ to Full City+
Type Farm Gate, Decaf
Recommended for Espresso Yes