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Timor Leste Dry Process Dukurai

Wild and wooly dry process flavor profiles that are both fruited and sweet, with a mild level of acidity, and inky-textured body. Flavors of fermented berries, earth-toned date, hard cider, rustic cocoa, and more. City+ to Full City+.

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Full Cupping Notes

The dry process lot from Dukurai Daurfusu has interesting layers of fruit in the smells, something like dried banana, and ripe berry, and a pine-like smell that adds sappy sweetness. Aromatically speaking, adding hot water to the grounds enhances the aspects found in the dry fragrance. The cooked fruits really come through in this context, with herbal accents shadowing the fruited sweetness, and a fermented smell of fruit wine. The cup sweetness is pretty wild with fruit flavors, a little winey, like fermented berries, and hard cider. The profile opens up to include earth toned date, and a dusty fruit flavor that reminded us of chewable berry-flavored vitamins if you've ever tried them! The acidity level is fairly quiet, which doesn't always bode well for the wild and wooly type naturals like this one. But Daurfusu puts up high numbers in sweetness and body, which really helps to stabilize the fruity cup character. Full City+ roasting tames the fruits significantly, building out an incredibly bittersweet base flavor, with dark plum, rustic cocoa, and inky body.

  • Process Method Dry Process (Natural)
  • Cultivar Typica Types, Modern Hybrids
  • Farm Gate Yes

You may recognize this coffee name from previous years, and it's from many of the same small holders in this region. The biggest difference with this year's coffee is that the farmers are delivering whole coffee cherry to a central processing station instead of managing the wet processing individually at home. The cherry collection and new wet mill where the coffee is handled is run by the same Farmpro group who we've bought Timor Leste coffee from the last few years, and they only continue to refine their process. The Daurfusu wet mill is located in Dukurai village, Letefoho District. Initially comprised of 37 members in Dukurai, the operation has cast a wider net this year and is buying coffee from neighboring high altitude zones as well. Farmers in this area are growing a mix of cultivars, mostly Timor Hybrid and Typica, at altitudes of 1400 to 1600 meters above sea level. This is a dry process coffee, meaning the whole coffee cherry is laid to dry without any removal of the fruit. The dry times are quite long with all that wet, organic mass, usually upwards of 3-4 weeks time. The fermentation that occurs inside the cherry often leads to a fruity cup profile, bigger body, and muted acidity. The results can be wildly different than a wet processed batch from the same farm or station! It's a unique opportunity to taste just how profound an impact processing can have on the final cup profile.

Region Dukurai, Letefoho
Processing Dry Process (Natural)
Drying Method Patio Sun-Dried
Arrival date January 2024 Arrival
Lot size 20
Bag size 60 KG
Packaging GrainPro Liner
Farm Gate Yes
Cultivar Detail Timor Hybrid, Typica
Grade Grade 1
Appearance .8 d/300gr, 15-17 screen
Roast Recommendations City+ to Full City+
Type Farm Gate