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Ethiopia Kayon Guji Genet

Guji Genet delivers compact sweetness and clean, sweet finish, complex raw sugars contrast delicate grace notes, fragrant florals, syrupy mouthfeel, with hints of white grape and pear that feed into an elegant acidity. City to City+.

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Full Cupping Notes

The fragrance is loaded with sweetness, like simple raw sugars that are transparent and so clean, with complex accents of fruit and jasmine teas, all equating to such an impressive, refined profile. And oh wow do the wet aroma offers the same level of incredible smells, with strong indications of both rue and jasmine florals, two highly prized characteristics of washed Ethiopian coffee. The cup sticks close to the aroma, delivering a sweetness of complex raw sugars, and fragrant florals that leave a lingering impression. Notes of semi-refined muscovado sugar mark the sweetness, providing a compact base flavor to contrast the more delicate grace notes. The liquor has a pleasing, syrupy mouthfeel, even at City roast level that helps to convey this coffee's sweet side, producing a long, sweet finish too. The top notes are floral, aromatic, and show aspects of gardenia and star jasmine blooms, with a pinch of rue, and lavender. Fruit notes of white grape and pear are subtle, but super clean, and impart elegant acidic impression on the cup profile.

  • Process Method Wet Process (Washed)
  • Cultivar Heirloom Types
  • Farm Gate Yes

The coffee comes from small holder coffee farmers in the Genet Kebele of Hambela Wamena, a high altitude region that tops out at 2100 meters above sea level. These lots are made up of coffee from several hundred different farmers, most with only a couple hundred coffee trees or less. The people in this region are known as Guji Oromo, and coffee farming has been a core part of the culture in the highland areas for many years. It's a distinct coffee from Yirga Cheffe, and Sidamo. Geographically, culturally, and in terms of cup flavors, these southern coffees have a different flavor profile while maintaining the same general characteristics; citrus and floral accents, a lively cup character. This lot was purchased from a family run wet mill near Hambela. They have their own wet and dry milling equipment, handling all post-harvest milling themselves, oversee quality management, and preparation for export. This particular lot was wet-processed, meaning that after the cherry is removed from the seed, the sticky mucilage layer that surrounds the bean is removed after fermenting for 24-36 hours in water (this varies from region to region), before then being removed and laid out to dry on raised drying tables for upwards of 2 weeks. 

Region Kebele Genet, Hambela Wamena, Guji Zone
Processing Wet Process (Washed)
Drying Method Raised Bed Sun Dried
Arrival date July 2023 Arrival
Lot size 100
Bag size 60 KG
Packaging GrainPro Liner
Farm Gate Yes
Cultivar Detail Heirloom Cultivars
Grade Grade 1
Appearance .2 d/300gr, 14-17 Screen
Roast Recommendations City to City+
Type Farm Gate